The freedom of the ocean is naturally accompanied by a number of safety and security factors. Pelagos Yachts ensure you’re covered with the right support! Our yacht management team has been providing technical assistance such as ISM, Mini ISM, ISPS, training and survey services to yachts since the inception of the codes. We work together with Captains and various regulatory bodies to ensure you have a complete technical team on hand.

Given a yacht is such a valuable and treasured possession we are continually surprised that the issues of safety and security on board are often overlooked. Perhaps it’s the thought that there are ‘no devils in paradise’ or that time on the yacht should be free from regiment; it’s an area which certainly needs time and consideration. From our experience, there are two main areas to look at; the operation of the yacht and its environment. Operationally speaking, there are a great number of tasks and procedures which pose inherent risks. From simple issues such as fingers trapped in hatches, stubbed toes, to more serious incidents such as man overboard or fire, the list is potentially huge. Mitigate those risks before they occur and if accidents take place, avoid establishing a blame culture. Knowledge comes from experience and our combined wealth of both has led to the development of multiple/several systemic modules which can be adopted on board, allowing crew and guests to live, work and enjoy themselves in as risk-free an environment as possible. Whilst commercial yachts of certain sizes are bound by mandatory requirements to operate ISM/ISPS or mini-ISM system, we feel that ALL yachts would benefit having some form of safety management system on board. When you consider the benefits to life, limb and yacht it’s a sensible approach to take.
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